Monday 25 April 2011

What’s important to write?

Write, it is just not writing. I think there are some reasons why we should keep trying to write. Me, myself actually love to write but sometimes I don’t get good words to reveal my ideas on my head. So unlucky to me, I lost my ideas easily.
First, write makes our brain keep working. When you’re writing you will look for words to tell your story. It will train our brain for being active, find some new words. It will works too when you’re studying another language for example English. Because it’s not your mother tongue so you need something to help you to find some new words, new vocabulary, and one of many ways is write!
Second, it trains our ability to write and makes some creation of yours. “Writing” is not something easy, we need practice to make it better. Of course if you are not often in it, I mean make some article or something. Beside it, you make some creation of you by writing, right? Perhaps you make some short story, poems, script of drama, text for speech, etc. 
And the most reason to write that I love to write is, because memories are too important to forget! “If I don’t write it down, I forget it. Memories are too important.” At least that’s what Stefan said on The Vampire Diaries. Lol. Whether it’s something happy or sad maybe you need to write it on your journal. Then maybe you can keep it as a legacy, lol. No, kidding. :D

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