Monday 25 April 2011

How’s hard to make a decision?

Sometimes it happens in everyone’s life when you’re faced to things to choice. You will find a hard way if you don’t know what you want exactly, what the best thing to choose for you. Some people say that life is a choice. Your life is depending on you to what your choice. Maybe we have choices because He gives us them to choose.
In making a good choice what we need first is know what is exactly what we want. Then we have to know what the risk of our choice are. And then we just have to make ourselves to be sure that “it is what I want.” Don’t forget to pray, come closer to the Lord and He will help us to decide.
I know maybe this thing sometimes happen to us like when you will graduate from high school and you need to choose for you to go one more step in society, one more step in a formal education a.k.a. go to university. It feels hard sometimes, or it just me who think it so hard? Even perhaps you say, “Oh my God… Why didn’t I choose this one?” then you’ll realize that was late to be regret.
Sometimes you don’t make a right decision enough, because you can’t always right in it. But it will be a good thing, a good experience, if you can take something to learn and useful for your future.

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