Sunday 1 May 2011

Just Dream

What about if you’re faced to the question, “What is your dream?” Probably you will just show a smile because you are shy or do not have courage to answer it, or maybe you will answer it truly as yours because you are already sure of what your dream is. Which one you like to do?

Everyone has a dream and everybody has rights to have their dreams to make them come true. Although sometimes there is an opinion “Ah you’redreaming, it’s vain. It’s impossible!” Or “Your dream is too high, that’s impossible to get.” Well, those sentences are the sentences can kill your spirit to achieve your dreams. So, what you should do is cover up your ears! There is a motivation entitle ‘Visi Seekor Katak Kecil’ (The Perspective of a little frog). I know most of you have known this story. J
There so many frogs doubt to the little frog to reach the top of the tower in a competition. But at the end the little frog could get the top of the tower when another little frogs fallen. Apparently, what makes that frog succeed is because that frog is deaf! Except it, because he has a great spirit and conviction that he can. We can learn from the story of the little frog that just be deaf to the people could kill your spirit. I mean, do not listen to the people who have negative tendency or pessimistic because they take a big part of your dream and take it away from you.
I myself have some experience about the same thing. When I made a status in facebook (which actually what I wrote is to convincemyself and make my spirit stronger from unconvinced to keep my spirit and be sure to reach my dreams), a friend of mind, his name MT (name be disguised), commented, “Don’t be dreaming! It hurts when you fall.” Of course I was so annoyed coz his comment. But there’s “an angle” agreed of my status and she said, “Just dream, it doesn’t need to pay. Dream as high as you can reach it!” Oh thanks God she said that, and then I could smile. And there still another story.
But there is another story that gives me spirit, it is a story from my class mate named RY (a true name). She told it in the class speech section and in the presentation in front of the class. She told us about a student who has big dreams, but his friends put their doubt on him. And then he wrote his dreams on the paper and put it on the bed room wall (just like what I do now :p) then he tried to makethem true one by one. Here, in other side, the doubt of somebody could be a whip for us to show that we can, that his/her doubt isn’t right. On the conclusion my friend said, “Be brave to dream because everything begins from a dream.” J
Why do I write this because I want to be always sure of my dreams, that later I could make them true. That thing feels difficult, though. And in spite of the most people who I love in this world is doubt of me. I will always give myself motivation because my dreams are for the people who I love beside for myself, and I hope could be useful for another people. One of words that could make me feel like get up and sure, “Just dream, because God will huge your dream” (Bermimpilah, karenaTuhanakanmemelukmimpi-mimpimu), that’s written in the Edensor, a novel by Andrea Hirata. Well, his novels, tetralogy of the rainbow troops (The Rainbow Troops, The Dreamer, Edensor, and MaryamahKarpov) are inspiring! It should be read.
Maybe I could belong to the dreamer troops, but I don’t want that it just a dream, I want to make it true. And maybe I am on my way to my dreams now, maybe it’s the beginning. All I know, when the chances come to you, you should take it and try, doesn’t matter with the result (okay, a little bit), be a wise person. The importance is if you never try, you’ll never know.
Well, everyone could have a dream, be brave to dream as large as your thought can reach it to be your direction where your stride of live goes on, and be sure that that dream will be real. :)

Monday 25 April 2011

How’s hard to make a decision?

Sometimes it happens in everyone’s life when you’re faced to things to choice. You will find a hard way if you don’t know what you want exactly, what the best thing to choose for you. Some people say that life is a choice. Your life is depending on you to what your choice. Maybe we have choices because He gives us them to choose.
In making a good choice what we need first is know what is exactly what we want. Then we have to know what the risk of our choice are. And then we just have to make ourselves to be sure that “it is what I want.” Don’t forget to pray, come closer to the Lord and He will help us to decide.
I know maybe this thing sometimes happen to us like when you will graduate from high school and you need to choose for you to go one more step in society, one more step in a formal education a.k.a. go to university. It feels hard sometimes, or it just me who think it so hard? Even perhaps you say, “Oh my God… Why didn’t I choose this one?” then you’ll realize that was late to be regret.
Sometimes you don’t make a right decision enough, because you can’t always right in it. But it will be a good thing, a good experience, if you can take something to learn and useful for your future.

What’s important to write?

Write, it is just not writing. I think there are some reasons why we should keep trying to write. Me, myself actually love to write but sometimes I don’t get good words to reveal my ideas on my head. So unlucky to me, I lost my ideas easily.
First, write makes our brain keep working. When you’re writing you will look for words to tell your story. It will train our brain for being active, find some new words. It will works too when you’re studying another language for example English. Because it’s not your mother tongue so you need something to help you to find some new words, new vocabulary, and one of many ways is write!
Second, it trains our ability to write and makes some creation of yours. “Writing” is not something easy, we need practice to make it better. Of course if you are not often in it, I mean make some article or something. Beside it, you make some creation of you by writing, right? Perhaps you make some short story, poems, script of drama, text for speech, etc. 
And the most reason to write that I love to write is, because memories are too important to forget! “If I don’t write it down, I forget it. Memories are too important.” At least that’s what Stefan said on The Vampire Diaries. Lol. Whether it’s something happy or sad maybe you need to write it on your journal. Then maybe you can keep it as a legacy, lol. No, kidding. :D